Do it - Do it - Do it

Hey Reader,

A lot is happening in the Write • Build • Scale house behind the scenes right now, but most importantly, I've been busy supporting the attendees of our brand-new Online Writing Challenge.

Our first participants have already finished the Challenge, and the feedback we received so far has proven that the Challenge is the perfect stepping stone for new writers who've been struggling to take action:

Writing online isn't hard.

It can be easy if you focus on the right things, but most people don't know what those right things are.

I talk to employees and decision-makers of online writing platforms all the time, and I often realize that I have a better understanding of how writers and readers are using those platforms than the people who actually work for them.

And it's mostly because I've been around for so long.

I've been writing on Medium for over six years.

I've seen dozens of changes happen - the good, the bad, and the ugly.

I've seen writers come and go.

I published over 500 articles and have gained millions of views.

I know the platform inside and out - not just as a writer but also as an editor and Boost nominator.

I don't know about you, Reader.. but I like to know my stuff.

I prefer being really good at one thing instead of trying a dozen different things.

That's how I've built a successful online writing business.

Most writers fail to grow their audience and income because they're too distractable.

They jump from one platform to the next one within months, sometimes even weeks.

They constantly change direction and ideas.

But guess what?

You can't build trust and authority within a matter of weeks.

It takes months. Sometimes even years.

And it's not just about building credibility.

It's also about honing your craft and becoming good at what you do.

Even if you love to write, you won't improve if you don't put yourself out there.

Without feedback, you'll just run in circles without any improvement.

But let's go back to what you SHOULD do if you want to build an audience and income by writing on the internet:

#1. Pick your platform - one that aligns with your goals and values. I've been writing on Medium for six years because it's by far the most rewarding platform for writers.

#2. Study the rules of the platform so you really understand how your content is distributed. You can't get your work in front of readers without properly understanding the community and algorithm.

#3. Study basic human psychology to understand what makes readers click vs skip a piece of writing. (Click here to learn about 3 simple biases that drive clicks.)

#4. Build an idea generation and management system that allows you to constantly come up with interesting topics to write about.

#5. Stick to a realistic writing routine on the same platform for at least one year.

Don't forget: Most writers fail because they don't stick to their plans for long enough.

Or because they write for themselves instead of trying to understand how to write for an audience.

Which of those 5 steps are you currently struggling with?

Hit reply and let me know. I'll get back to you with actionable ideas for the next steps.

Big love from my screen to yours,

Write • Build • Scale with Sinem Günel

I help you write confidently, build your audience, and scale your income. Subscribe for first-hand insights and actionable strategies to turn your ideas and knowledge into a thriving digital business, so you can make money doing what you love.

Read more from Write • Build • Scale with Sinem Günel
A bed with a tray of oranges and a book on it

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