
Write • Build • Scale with Sinem Günel

I help you write confidently, build your audience, and scale your income. Subscribe for first-hand insights and actionable strategies to turn your ideas and knowledge into a thriving digital business, so you can make money doing what you love.

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Do your summer homework (please!)

Hey Reader, I'm on vacation right now, but as a ✨ responsible creator, ✨ I typed this email when I was at home, so all I had to do was plug in this stunning photo and press send: As we've already made it through almost half of European summer, I want to share an idea that I've been talking about for years: Summer is the perfect time to tap into content creation, grow your audience, and test new ideas. Most people are lazy and busy during summer. They have to take care of their kids, are on...

Hey Reader, I've worked with thousands of writers over the past five years, and even though every writer's journey is different, many of us face the same struggles. One of them is idea generation. Even experienced writers can sometimes feel stuck in a creative rut and experience writer's block. Click here for a new perspective on how to constantly come up with great content ideas. 🖍️ I'm in week #2 of publishing Notes on Substack, and my excitement is still high! After nearly a decade of...

Hey Reader, most of the emails I send you don't have a clear theme or topic, but today is different. This week, I want to encourage you to allow yourself to show up as your authentic self. When we start to publish our work online, we're usually afraid of being judged. And to minimize the risk of being judged, we pretend to be someone we're not. We put on a mask to be professional, smart, or cool. But you know? The easiest way to stand out and share your message with the world is by being you:...

I’ve been writing on Medium since 2018. I run a newsletter with over 22k subscribers. I’ve only developed 3 offers over the past 4 years. I rinse & repeat the same product launch twice per year. I like sticking to what works & making money in a way that feels easy & hassle-free. It’s been a LONG time since I tried something completely new or joined a new content platform because I never really needed to try something new. Why make things complicated when everything's working just fine,...

Hey Reader, Do you agree with me when I say that most people are horrible at predicting what their lives will look like in the future? It's mostly because they constantly lie to themselves to postpone activities that matter. They say things like, "I'll exercise more when work is less busy" or "I'll start writing when I have more time." But the truth is that life is always busy, and if you really care about something, you have to make time for it. No matter if it's a relationship, hobby, or...

Hey Reader, Did you ever help kids do their homework or study for exams? With two younger siblings, it was part of my big-sister responsibility, but I also gave extra lessons to students in my final years at high school. The tricky part of helping kids do their homework is that you don't want to give them too much. You want to give them hints and context but they have to connect the dots and come up with the solution. Those aha-moments help them learn so they can eventually solve problems on...

Please add my new email address [email protected] to your contacts so you don't miss any upcoming announcements. 📥 As a writer, one of the important decisions you make is where to publish your work. This is true when you're looking for a publisher for your book but it's also crucial when you write online and want to get in front of the right audience. I went all-in on Medium because it's hands-down the most rewarding platform for writers who write: educational or personal stories...

Please add my new email address [email protected] to your contacts to ensure you don't miss any upcoming announcements. 📥 Hey Reader, In my last email, I told you that my best friends were getting married and another was about to complete the Ironman last weekend. Attending both events made me realize one thing: A strong support team is the most valuable thing you can have in life. This is true when you're celebrating big milestones like graduating, getting married, or completing an...

person sitting in front bookshelf

We'll soon change our email address to [email protected] - keep an eye on your spam folders to ensure you don't miss out on upcoming announcements & resources. 📥 Hey Reader, they say you know you're getting close to your 30s when your friends are all getting married or running marathons. Well, two of my best friends are getting married tomorrow, another is doing the Ironman on Sunday, so I have a weekend full of big emotions ahead of me. 😄 But before I shut down my laptop, I wanted to...

This won't sit well with everyone, but here goes: Most new writers are like Chandler Bing in the early episodes of Friends: hopeless awkward and desperate for love Well, maybe we're not exactly like Chandler, but there are many similarities: When you start to write online, you're a little confused because there's so much to learn and do. There are so many platforms, strategies, and so much advice from numerous experts that you don't know where to start and what to do. And when you try to pay...