🎃 Now THIS is spooky 🎃

Quick confession: Growing up, I hated Halloween.

In fact, I hated anything that was spooky or horrifying. And I still do.

But I stepped out of my comfort zone last year and hosted my first Halloween party. 🎃

My partner Philip and I got engaged in early October, and we figured instead of telling all our friends separately, we could just host a party and make a big announcement.

So we dressed up as spooky bride + groom 👰‍♀️🤵‍♂️, and I got to show off my new diamond ring. 💍😆

That's ☝️ how I started to hate Halloween a little less. 😅

Anyway - I'm actually writing this email to share something way more spooky than most Halloween stories.

I gave an interview last week, and this was one of the questions:

How many times per week would you recommend posting stories if you think of Medium’s new “quality bar” and encouragement to write less? (Some writers are pumping out even more stories than before, from 30 to 45 per month with awesome growth.)

Alright, full honesty: Do YOU want to write 30-45 articles per month?!

Quantity vs. quality is a never-ending debate on content platforms: Should you publish less but make sure your work is great, or should you churn out content until you feel drained and burnt out? ☠️

Here's the truth: If you throw loads of spaghetti on the wall, some of it may stick. 🍝

Aka, if you publish 40+ articles per month on Medium, some might perform well.

But do you really want to play that game?

Do you want to constantly worry about producing more? Forever?

I don't.

And the truth is, it's not a sustainable business model anyway.

I want to write stories I care about.

I don't want to force myself to publish new content every single day if I don't have anything meaningful to say.

In fact, this is what I feel like when I see someone publishing new articles daily without adding something new, interesting, or useful to the conversation:

The good news is, you don't have to be loud.

Medium's latest distribution update (called "Boost") rewards quality over quantity.

With Boosting, you can publish fewer pieces and reach a bigger audience through internal distribution.

If you could decide between writing only a few pieces per month that truly matter to you vs. writing a new piece every single day - what would you choose?

If you're team "quality over quantity," keep an eye on your inbox this week. 📨

In just a few days, I'll send you an invite to a training where I'll teach how to grow your audience + income by writing stories you care about instead of just throwing spaghetti at the wall. 🍝 👻

That's it Reader, I'm off to decorate the apartment for this year's Halloween party - I'll be back in your inbox very soon. 🎃👋

Big love from my screen to yours,

Write • Build • Scale with Sinem Günel

I help you write confidently, build your audience, and scale your income. Subscribe for first-hand insights and actionable strategies to turn your ideas and knowledge into a thriving digital business, so you can make money doing what you love.

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