The joy of being YOU

Hey Reader,

most of the emails I send you don't have a clear theme or topic, but today is different.

This week, I want to encourage you to allow yourself to show up as your authentic self.

When we start to publish our work online, we're usually afraid of being judged.

And to minimize the risk of being judged, we pretend to be someone we're not.

We put on a mask to be professional, smart, or cool.

But you know?

The easiest way to stand out and share your message with the world is by being you:

How to quietly stand out by being yourself

I had the honor and joy of interviewing my dear friend Michael Thompson last week.

We talked about the noise we're surrounded by on the internet and how you can authentically stand out by being yourself.

Click here for the replay.

Michael's first book, Shy by Design is released tomorrow and I can't wait to receive my own copy soon.

If you feel like your shyness is holding you back from achieving your goals or if your limiting beliefs are sabotaging your daily actions, Shy by Design is written for you.

Big love from my screen to yours,

Write • Build • Scale with Sinem Günel

I help you write confidently, build your audience, and scale your income. Subscribe for first-hand insights and actionable strategies to turn your ideas and knowledge into a thriving digital business, so you can make money doing what you love.

Read more from Write • Build • Scale with Sinem Günel

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