Don't know what to write about?

Hey Reader,

I've worked with thousands of writers over the past five years, and even though every writer's journey is different, many of us face the same struggles.

One of them is idea generation.

Even experienced writers can sometimes feel stuck in a creative rut and experience writer's block.

Click here for a new perspective on how to constantly come up with great content ideas. 🖍️

I'm in week #2 of publishing Notes on Substack, and my excitement is still high!

After nearly a decade of writing long-form posts, writing short-form currently feels like a breath of fresh air.

Publishing Notes allows me to quickly share my thoughts and daily insights without overthinking:

I literally spent the past five years doing what I'm good at, so challenging myself to try something new has been really refreshing and exciting.

We'll spend a lot of time talking about our plans on Substack in our private Mastermind community next month.

We already have expert interview with best-selling Substack writers scheduled, and will dive into how to best use it in combination with Medium, Convertkit, and other tools.

If this is something you've been thinking about lately, reply to this email so we can chat! 😊

Big love from my screen to yours,

Write • Build • Scale with Sinem Günel

I help you write confidently, build your audience, and scale your income. Subscribe for first-hand insights and actionable strategies to turn your ideas and knowledge into a thriving digital business, so you can make money doing what you love.

Read more from Write • Build • Scale with Sinem Günel

Hey Reader, When I started to publish on Substack this summer, I received dozens of emails with questions like: Why did you start to write on Substack? Are you leaving Medium? Is Substack better than Medium? How did you grow your audience on Substack so quickly?! The short answer is that Substack is an addition to my existing channels like Medium and Convertkit. I'm not replacing those. And to be fair, Substack has proven to be an excellent addition with lots of benefits that I don't have on...

Hey Reader, Over the last 4 years, I've worked with thousands of writers, and one question I see beginners share all the time is this: What should I even write about?! There are many ways to decide what to write about, but I'll share a simple one today: Write what you care about. One of the wonderful writers I got to work with this year is Melon Dash, an adult swimming instructor. I was lucky to meet Melon in person back in June and have a deep conversation about her work and what writing...

It's sad story time, Reader.. my friend canceled on me last Friday, and I was too lazy to make new plans. My fiancé Philip has been on a long walk (his newest obsession), so I was alone at home. And guess what a writer with no plans does on a Friday evening?! I wrote newsletters! My ✨creative juices✨ were flowing and I wrote three newsletters for you. Sent one on Friday. One is scheduled for later this week. And the third was supposed to be sent.. today. Except, it's gone. When I opened...