Feel like giving up writing?

Hey Reader,

Do you ever feel like giving up on your writing or other creative projects?

If your answer is yes, you're not alone.

That's what my client Johanna felt like after writing on Medium for a year without any results to show.

As a coach and educator, our clients’ success stories are my favorite messages to receive.

But the best part about Johanna's success is that it’s a deeply personal and important story that only she could’ve written.

It’s the 8th piece she published after joining us at Medium Writing Academy a few months ago.

The truth about doing well on Medium right now is that you need to get boosted.

The boost does not guarantee a bigger reach or higher earnings, but pieces that don’t get boosted rarely reach more than a few hundred views.

And even if they do, the earnings will stay low.

That’s why I restructured the Medium Writing Academy earlier this year so that a huge part of the course is about coming up with boost-worthy ideas.

It's also what we focus on inside our Write • Build • Scale Mastermind when we review articles and discuss how to make the most of your work on Medium.

As an editor and nominator, it usually takes me less than 5 seconds to know if a story has a chance to get boosted or not.

This might sound brutal, but it’s the truth.

On most platforms, an algorithm decides if your work gets more views.

On Medium, nominators and curators decide.

Both options have their ups and downs.

What matters is that you know which game you’re playing so you can study the correct rules.

If you want to build a successful writing business, you need:

  • 💻 A platform to share your message
  • 💡 Unique ideas based on your personality and experiences
  • ⚙️ Systems, processes, and routines that allow you to be productive and help you consistently produce your best work

We've recently been creating various resources that'll help you nail all three of those.

And we'll start by supporting you build the most important element of your writing career: A consistent publishing routine. 🔁

After six years of writing on the internet, I can confidently say that it's not the most talented writers who reach millions of readers or make the most money online.

It's the writers who practice consistently and use smart systems to their advantage.

Next week, we'll help you become one of those SuperWriters, so make sure to keep an eye on your inbox for an exciting announcement! 📥

Big love from my screen to yours,

PS. Here's a quick update on our progress on Substack:

Write • Build • Scale with Sinem Günel

I help you write confidently, build your audience, and scale your income. Subscribe for first-hand insights and actionable strategies to turn your ideas and knowledge into a thriving digital business, so you can make money doing what you love.

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