"Flip the script" this week 📡

Hey Reader,

2023 has been weird so far.

I started the year with the biggest launch of my signature program, Medium Writing Academy, and went on a beautiful vacation at the beach right afterward. 🌊 ☀️

It was the perfect year until a cancer diagnosis hit my family by BIG surprise in late February.

And there I was - knowing my year would look nothing like I imagined because my focus immediately shifted from:

  • Thinking about how to grow my business, brand, and wealth.

To: Healing. ❤️‍🩹

After spending weeks in shock, I decided to "flip the script" and focus on what could go right instead of drowning in worst-case scenarios.

Despite the unpredictability of cancer, I decided to assume the best would happen.

And I used this for other areas in my life too:

💔 I assumed the heartbreaking diagnosis and lengthy therapy period would teach us valuable lessons as a family, so we'd become more mindful, healthy, and caring.

But despite my positive outlook, I struggled to spend many hours on my computer. Being productive and working on my business just didn't seem to be that important.

Instead, I needed fresh impulses and interesting activities to keep my energy levels high and my mind positive.

So I decided to try something new each month.

🥊 I started by joining a boxing class, which was wayyy outside my comfort zone.

But I "flipped the script" and told myself I could only win:

  • I could fall in love with boxing.
  • I could meet interesting people.
  • I could become much stronger and fitter.

Frankly, none of that happened.

After 10 classes, I realized boxing isn't my thing, and that's okay.

This month, I'm trying padel tennis instead. 🎾

Once again, I had to fight my negative instincts:

  • What if I don't enjoy this either?
  • Will I lose time and money?
  • Will I be able to hit the ball at all?!

Two training sessions later, I know I do enjoy it (even though I *didn't* hit the ball very often!).

I don't know about you Reader.. but for me, trying new things and moving out of my comfort zone has never felt easy.

I love comfort. 🥰

I love safety. 💕

I love knowing what I'm doing. ✅

👎 I hate feeling lost or not knowing what to do.

But if we're honest, that's always the starting point when you try something new.

  • I felt lost when I started to write online in 2018.
  • I felt lost when I built my first online coaching program in 2020.
  • I felt lost when I started my email list.
  • I felt lost when I went live on Facebook for the first time.
  • And sometimes, I still feel like I have no idea what I'm doing even though my writing has been read by millions of readers 👩‍💻, my business is generating six-figure profits each year 💰, and I have thousands of happy customers who appreciate my work 👏🏻.

If any of this resonates with you, I can only encourage you to flip the script too.

Assume the best will happen and act accordingly.

Show up, do the work, fall in love with the process, and don't look back. 💪🏻

Sometimes, we need to be a little naive and put our rational minds aside.

There are a thousand of reasons for me to freak out and drown in worries since the diagnosis.

There are a thousand reasons for not trying new things.

The same is true for you.

There are tons of reasons for *not* writing online..

  • for not showing up
  • for not building your email list
  • for not engaging with your audience
  • for not building stellar digital products
  • for not going all-in on your dreams

But if you focus on those, you'll never move forward.

And worse, you'll always keep wondering: What if I had actually tried?

What if you don't try and never find out if it could have worked?

What if you never share your message with the world because you're afraid of being a little uncomfortable?

And what if it all works in your favor?

Assume it will.

Get out of your own way and do the scary thing you can't stop thinking about.

I'll be here - silently cheering for you because I know how much courage it takes to show up for yourself and your dreams.👏🏻

📧 If you're in the mood, hit "reply" and let me know what your "thing" is. What are you afraid of trying? How will you flip the script, so you try it anyway?!

I can't wait to read your reply!

Big love from my screen to yours,

Write • Build • Scale with Sinem Günel

I help you write confidently, build your audience, and scale your income. Subscribe for first-hand insights and actionable strategies to turn your ideas and knowledge into a thriving digital business, so you can make money doing what you love.

Read more from Write • Build • Scale with Sinem Günel

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