April already?! 🐣

Hey Reader,

Can you believe the first three months of the year are already over?!

I'm spending the Easter break with friends & family but I did my quarterly reflection before heading off, and boy, a lot has happened over those past three months!

  • 🚘 I got my driver's license!
  • 🇨🇾 I visited Cyprus & connected with brilliant entrepreneurs who live there.
  • 🚴 I went to my first spinning classes and loved it.
  • 🧑‍💻 We silently launched our first real website.
  • 🔵 We took our private membership from Facebook to Circle, which has been a major upgrade for the engagement and interaction of our members.
  • 💸 Several of my Medium stories did exceptionally well and earned over $1,000.
  • 🩵 We welcomed dozens of new writers inside Medium Writing Academy and have already celebrated incredible wins with them.

It's been a busy quarter, to say the least, but it's also been incredibly fun to challenge myself in new ways.

I'm always amazed by how far you can come in three months if you're dedicated and focused.

It's weird: When you don't know where you're going, three months pass by and you don't even remember how you spent your time.

But when you have clear goals, you can make incredible progress.

My point is to get you excited about what you can do over the next three months of 2024, Reader.

During my writing/creator career, a lot has changed within 3-month sprints. 🗓️

Take my earnings as an example - here are two screenshots from my first year as a full-time creator and how my earnings have exploded within three months:

Within 3 months, my earnings from Medium's Partner Program went from a few hundred dollars to mid 4-figures.

After launching my signature program Medium Writing Academy in June, it took me 3 months to go from a few hundred dollars to making over $6,000 in a single month. 💸

I'm sharing this to encourage you to take action.

You don't have to wait for the next new year to make a change.

Take action now so you can be in a different place three months from now. 🥰

🧑‍💻 50 Quick Lessons for Online Writers

I recently created a little ebook with 50 quick tips to help you grow your audience & income as a digital writer.

You can download it here:

You'll learn things like:

  • ☀️ What really matters when you start to write online
  • ✍️ What consistency is all about
  • 🔎 Specific tips to improve your writing
  • 🎨 How to boost your creativity
  • 🚀 How to grow your audience
  • 💸 How to make money by writing online
  • And much more!

>>> Get access now.

Big love from my screen to yours,

👋 Want more?

  1. 🎓 (FREE) Take my email course: Start writing on Medium.com
  2. 🎬 (FREE) Find video trainings on my Youtube channel.
  3. 🚀 Learn how to grow your audience & income inside Medium Writing Academy.

Write • Build • Scale with Sinem Günel

I help you write confidently, build your audience, and scale your income. Subscribe for first-hand insights and actionable strategies to turn your ideas and knowledge into a thriving digital business, so you can make money doing what you love.

Read more from Write • Build • Scale with Sinem Günel

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