I keep saying this

Want to make 2024 your best writing year yet? My friend Nick Wolny is hosting a video series to help you improve your writing and grow your audience. 👇

Hey Reader,

In my last email, I shared that courage is my word of the year and how having the courage to start writing on the internet has changed my entire life.

Today, I want to share a few resources that might encourage you to start writing online in 2024 (or take it more seriously to finally achieve your goals).

💻 The easiest way(s) to start writing online

If you're new to the world of digital writing and wondering how to get started, I have a simple answer: Start by writing on Medium.



  • Your account is set up in just a few minutes.
  • You can explore interesting ideas without worrying about word count and trying to keep yourself short.
  • You instantly get access to a relevant audience by working with publications.
  • And you can even monetize your work through the Medium Partner Program.

There's no easier way to start writing online than on Medium, and I even prepared a Beginner's Guide to help you through the first steps. 📝

If you already tried writing on Medium and are wondering which other opportunities you have and how to successfully monetize your writing in 2024, check out these resources:

In case you're already writing consistently and looking to take the next step in 2024, make sure to start your newsletter asap. 😉

♻️ Got a blog? Republish on Medium!

Did you know you can republish and even monetize your existing content on Medium?!

If you have a blog but would like more people to actually see your writing, Medium can be a powerful tool to get the most out of the work you've already done.

Most (new) writers don't even know that they're allowed to republish their content, so I was thrilled to see this piece about why every blogger should republish on Medium.

🤔 But is it REALLY worth it?

I'm a sucker for great long-form interviews because they help me power through weekly cardio workouts.

Last weekend, I was blessed with a video of my friend Zulie Rane and Medium CEO Tony Stubblebine.

They talked about how Medium has changed lately, where the platform is heading, and whether it's still worth it for new and existing writers.

I particularly loved Tony's take on Boosting and the fact that human nominators + curators are reviewing pieces on Medium to decide whether they deserve additional views.

While some writers dislike the idea of humans judging their writing, Tony's take is quite clear: On Medium, you're writing for humans. You want humans to read and like your writing. By definition, you're being judged by humans.

It's so refreshing to see Medium lean towards human writing and curation while the rest of the internet is getting flooded by generic, AI-created content.

I don't know about you, Reader, but I'd much rather ask myself how to write stories that humans will enjoy and appreciate than churning out endless amounts of AI-created content to be more visible.

Big love from my screen to yours,

Don't forget to sign up for the free video series to make 2024 your best writing year yet - the first video is dropping tomorrow. 🎬

Want more?

Write • Build • Scale with Sinem Günel

I help you write confidently, build your audience, and scale your income. Subscribe for first-hand insights and actionable strategies to turn your ideas and knowledge into a thriving digital business, so you can make money doing what you love.

Read more from Write • Build • Scale with Sinem Günel

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