wanna steal my editing process? 🥷

Hey Reader,

Quick question: Did you ever feel like you're too late?

Too late to start to write online.

Too late to build your own business.

Too late to get in shape.

Too late to fix certain relationships.

Sound familiar?

I spent way too much of my time worrying about being too late instead of just moving forward and embracing opportunities.

When I started to write on Medium back in 2018, I thought I was too late to the online writing game.

I saw all those writers with massive audiences and was intimidated.

But I was also too curious to give up!

Even though I had no idea how to write great stories, build an audience, or monetize my writing, I was curious to learn. 🧐

I wanted to figure it out because I loved the idea of building a business that'd allow me to spend most of my time sharing my ideas and knowledge on the internet. 🛜

And I learned that being early is overrated. Being good at what you do is the real deal.

You're not late.

You're just in time to build an audience and share your message with the world this year.

But the truth is, building an audience & online writing business is both easier and harder than ever before.

✅ It's easy because so many people have already done it and are sharing their lessons, strategies, and best practices with you.

❌ It's hard because there's also a lot of nonsense advice that's keeping you stuck.

As someone who's been in this game for 6 years, I can say that Medium is hands down the best platform for new writers - and here's why:

🔎 Better editing = More readers

One of my tasks as a writing coach and publication editor on Medium is to help writers edit their work.

And if I'm honest, editing is a superpower that most writers miss out on.

If you don't know how to edit your work, your writing will never be as clean, clear, and compelling as it could.

I just recorded a video to share the 5 questions I ask myself when reviewing and editing Medium stories:

I'll be recording a few more videos over the next days, so if you have any questions that you want me to cover, hit "reply" and let me know!

The purpose of these videos is to help YOU, so I'm excited to hear what you need right now. 🥰

I hope you have a lovely Easter weekend, Reader. My partner Philip and I will be out of town to spend time with our families and soak up some spring sunshine. ☀️🐣🪺

I'll be back in your inbox next week with some pretty exciting stuff that I've been working on for a while. ✨

Big love from my screen to yours,

👋 Want more?

  1. 🎓 (FREE) Take my email course: Start writing on Medium.com
  2. 🎬 (FREE) Find video trainings on my Youtube channel.
  3. 🚀 Learn how to grow your audience & income inside Medium Writing Academy.

Write • Build • Scale with Sinem Günel

I help you write confidently, build your audience, and scale your income. Subscribe for first-hand insights and actionable strategies to turn your ideas and knowledge into a thriving digital business, so you can make money doing what you love.

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