whoops - where's January?!

Hey Reader,

Is it just me, or do you also feel like January just flew by? 😅

Usually, this is the time when most people feel like they already lost.

They had set ambitious goals just a few weeks ago but already fell behind on their good intentions and New Year's Resolutions.

But no matter if your January was great, miserable, or average, I want to share some ideas that might help you for the upcoming months of the year...

Here's a common mistake most people make regarding their yearly goals: They try to do too much too quickly and end up feeling overwhelmed, stressed, and anxious.

Most of us just bite off way more than we can chew.

Here are a few simple ideas that might help you get back on track to make 2024 great:

Step #1: Review your yearly goals.

Instead of overwhelming yourself, I want you to have a look at your yearly goals and ask yourself whether you really care about all of them.

By limiting the number of goals you're pursuing, you'll have more time and energy for each of them.

If you don't know exactly where to start, check out this great guide on goal setting for creators. 🎯​

Step #2: Go from yearly to monthly (to weekly).

Yearly goals can be motivating, but they're not useful in your day-to-day life. Instead, you need weekly and monthly goals, so you know exactly what to do next.

Inspired by The 12-Week Year, I usually don't set more than 1-3 monthly goals:

“We mistakenly believe that there is a lot of time left in the year, and we act accordingly. We lack a sense of urgency, not realizing that every week is important, every day is important, every moment is important. Ultimately, effective execution happens daily and weekly!” - Brian P. Moran

Step #3: Reset every week.

Last but not least, I recommend that you complete a simple weekly reset every single week.

This helps ensure you're on the right track and not wasting your time.

🖼 Create stunning AI images

One of the many exciting things that happened inside our private Write • Build • Scale membership last month was a workshop on how to create stunning images using AI tools.

Our member David Litwin has been doing a phenomenal job using AI images both in his agency and as a writer on Medium and was kind enough to share his process with us.

While AI images can undoubtedly help you stand out as a writer and creator, David went as far as creating his very own children's book in less than 8 hours.

He also wrote about why writers should consider using AI-generated images.

If you're excited about the idea of creating photorealistic images that stand out and impress your audience, check out David's brand new 3-hour course with a generous 85% discount:

Big love from my screen to yours,

Want more?

Write • Build • Scale with Sinem Günel

I help you write confidently, build your audience, and scale your income. Subscribe for first-hand insights and actionable strategies to turn your ideas and knowledge into a thriving digital business, so you can make money doing what you love.

Read more from Write • Build • Scale with Sinem Günel

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